Sunday, October 9, 2011

A middle class man’s tale

Remember in the time When I was in my prime
I didn’t have a dime
But I was happy
Now it’s my time
But I am in the autumn of life  
We are no longer together
But, I have lots of money
Before, I felt bullet proof
I could shoot through the roof
But I was broke
With no car, I had long distance to walk
Now I have the means
My body is aching
My heart is failing
But, I have a new car
Before, I could run
To your arms & have fun
Now I have got diabetes & a stroke
 And with a cane I walk
Now I have the kids & the wife
I am alive with no life
I take pills to have sex but I feel no love

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Miss September

She left again
Summer becomes autumn
Sunshine becomes gloom
The leaves have fallen
The trees are barren
My life is empty

Then she comes back
She puts light in my life
The spring arrives
Everything become green
She always leaves to be back
She blooms on time

Change is the essence of life
Change makes life interesting
If water stays still it becomes rancid
If the tree does not shed its leafs, it will die
If people do not change, they will not evolve

Motion is life while stillness is death